By the time this post is published, February will be a distant memory.  March will have roared in like a lion – or meekly like a lamb – and we’ll be one step closer to the new growth that comes with Spring.  Baseball will be gearing up, and if the forecast holds, we’ll have had a few days to open windows for a breeze to carry away the virus-infested air in our homes.  But the best part of publishing this post?  Maybe after it hits the website, I can quit wrestling with God.   

My goal was to release a post each month, but obviously I didn’t make that goal with this post.  I can consider that another one of my failures of 2020.  You may remember that in my last post I lamented my lack of motivation in this new year, and that’s still partly to blame – the winter doldrums are a thing, y’all.  But mostly, I just haven’t wanted to write about the topic God placed on my heart. 

Love. L. O. V. E.  Love. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of love.  I love God, desperately, and each day I find new reasons to fall deeper in love with His Word.  I love my family, and I’d be lost without them.  I love reading, and my shrinking wardrobe attests to my love of carbs.  I love fuzzy sweaters and the smell of rain and hearing my kids laugh. 

But to be honest I haven’t felt very loving for several weeks.  No exaggerationI’m a shrew in need of taming.  Oscar the Grouch texted yesterday and told me to lighten up – and it deeply irritates me that there will be several reading this who have no memories of Oscar and his trashcan. 

Having admitted that, I thought it would be easy to convince God that I’m not at all qualified to write about love.  Any other topic was on the table, and I tried – and failed – to write other posts.  Give me another assignment, God.  Please. 

So, we wrestled, God and I, stubborn child that I am.  It was during today’s wrestling match with God that I felt him whisper to my heart, “Write about My love – not yours.  It’s not about you.  Write a love letter from Me, to My children. 

Regardless, here it is.  My post about God’s love. God’s love letter to His children.  And in writing this, maybe I’ll learn a little something about love.  Real love. 

God’s Love Letter  

My child, 

What is it that your heart most longs to hear?   

Is it that youre beautiful?  You are, you know.  Your beauty is uniquely yours, and each time we are together, I sing over you.  How could I not?  You’re my creation, just as I created the world around you.  The universe is also beautiful, yes, but not as exquisitenot as stunning as you.  Do you know what I said when I created and looked upon the heavens?  I said, “It is good.”  And it was.  But when I look upon you?  I rejoice over you with shouts of joy and singing because you – my child – are perfect through my eyes.      

Have you quieted your soul lately to hear the sweet song of the birds?  I hear their praise to their Creator, and I share that melody with you to bring you peace.  Your child’s laughter that you love beyond measure?  It is I who crafted that sound, to bring you joy but to also know my love.  Do you hear my love? 

What is it that your spirit most needs to see? 

Is it that you’re known, that you belong, that you’re not alone?  You are not alone, my child.  I am with you, every day, and I send visual representations of my love, just for you.  Each morning sunrise is my gift to you, and each time the sun bleeds through the horizon in the evening, it is for you.  You paused this morning and gazed upon a pair of paper-thin, age-spotted hands that had held tight to each other through sixty-five years, and the beauty of that moment struck your spirit with hope.  I know that your spirit desperately longs for a happily-ever-after.  I see your hurt, your insecurities, but most importantly, I see you.  Do you see my love? 

What is it that your soul most longs to feel? 

Is it that you are valuable?  You are; your life is beyond valuable to me.  I traded the life of my only Son to redeem yours, you mean that much to me.  On your way out the door this morning, it was my breath that was a gentle breeze against your cheek.  It’s my breath that fills your lungs and keeps you going when you have given every last ounce of your energy away.  Do you feel my love? 

It is there, every day, I promise.  On the good days, when your heart overflows with the kindness of others and your eyes begin to see the gifts of beauty I lavish on you.  But also, on the other days, on the days of darkness when your eyes overflow with sorrow and your heart feels swathed by a weighted shroud that seems will never lift.  My love is even closer on those days. 

Hear my love for you, my beautiful child.  See my love, which longs to bind your hurt and replace it with abundant joy and peace.  Feel my love to the very depths of your soul.   

You are cherished.   

You are loved. 



“The Lord your God is in your midst, a Warrior who saves.  He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love (making no mention of your past sins), He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” 

Zephaniah 3:17 AMP 

“But now, God’s message, the God who made you in the first place, Jacob, the One who got you started, Israel: ‘Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.  I’ve called your name.  You’re mine.  When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.  When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.  When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end – because I am God, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior.  I paid a huge price for you:  all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!  That’s how much you mean to me!  That’s how much I Iove you!  I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you.’”

Isaiah 43:1-4