Meet the Pastor

Meet the Pastor

Meet the Pastor Richard DeimundRichard Deimund has been the pastor of First Baptist church of Cimarron since January of 1994. He was born into a military family and, therefore, moved around a lot growing up. He went to eight different schools before graduating high school in Clinton, Oklahoma. It was during high school in Clinton when he gave his life to Jesus Christ. He says it was the best thing that ever happened to him! According to Richard, the second best thing to happen to him occurred in Clinton, Oklahoma as well – that was meeting his beautiful and loving wife, Marca. They have two handsome sons, a beautiful daughter-in-law, two grand-daughters, and one grand-son. Their children live in Tyler, Texas, so they don’t get to see them as often as they would like.

Richard never planned to be a pastor, but God called him to the ministry in 1988. He answered the call, and in August of that year, he and Marca moved from Liberal, Kansas to Kansas City to attend Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. During seminary he began to pastor Midway Baptist Church in Easton, Missouri. He continued in that position after graduating in Spring of 1992, and served there a total of nearly five years. In January of 1994, God called Richard and Marca to Cimarron to pastor First Baptist Church. Both of their sons graduated from Cimarron High School before moving on to college.

Richard considers it a privilege to pastor in Cimarron, and both he and Marca call it their home. He thanks God for the blessing of allowing them to live in Cimarron longer than anywhere else in his life. He says his loves are his God, his wife, his children (including his daughter-in-law), his grandchildren, his church family, and the Cimarron community. Richard enjoys deer hunting, riding his motor-cycle, reading, and spending time with friends.

Meet the Pastor Richard Deimund and His Family

“I would love for you to come worship with us and allow us to love on you.” – Pastor Richard Deimund