
First Baptist Church of Cimarron is excited to be involved in a variety of outreach ministries:

Kids Club

First Baptist Church of Cimarron hosts Kids Club, an outreach ministry for children ages 5 through 18 years of age, on Wednesday nights. The church bus and van will pick up all children who need a ride, and a meal is offered to any who come at 6:30 pm. After the meal, the children have a time of recreation, followed by Biblical teaching and Scripture memorization. Activities end at 8:00 pm, at which time The First Baptist Church of Cimarron bus and van will return riders to their homes.

Cord of 3

Cord of 3; Ecclesiastes 4:12; marriageCord of 3 is a marriage outreach ministry designed to strengthen the covenant of marriage through the study of God’s Word. It is a day-long, in-depth Bible study focused on guiding couples to discover for themselves what the Holy Spirit has to say to them about their relationships. Cord of 3 is open to all married or engaged couples, regardless of denomination or church affiliation. Click here for more information!

 Southwest Men’s Encounter

Men’s Encounter is a non-denominational, joint endeavor between several area churches including First Baptist Church of Cimarron. It is a weekend of intense spiritual renewal facilitated by testimony and teaching from a variety of laymen.

FBC Cimarron will be hosting the next Men’s Encounter weekend T.B.A.

Registration will be opening soon! Watch this page for more information!

Southwest Kansas Women’s Encounter

Like Men’s Encounter, Women’s Encounter is also a non-denominational, joint endeavor between several area churches including First Baptist Church of Cimarron. It is a weekend of intense spiritual renewal facilitated by testimony and teaching from a variety of laywomen.

Please, check back for updates on upcoming Women’s Encounter events.

The Gathering

First Baptist Church of Cimarron is an active partner in The Gathering – a non-denominational worship service held at 6:00 pm on Saturday nights in the West Coast Martial Arts building located at 601 N. 2nd Avenue, Dodge City, Kansas. The Gathering is a community of believers whose focus is on being yielded to the Holy Spirit through testimony, prayer, worship, and teaching.

“Real People. Real Love. Real God.”