Cord of 3

Cord of 3 is a marriage outreach ministry sponsored by First Baptist Church of Cimarron. It is designed to strengthen the covenant of marriage through the exploration of God’s Word. This one-day Scripture event is devoted to supporting couples as they discover for themselves what the Word says about living in a God-centered marriage. Cord of 3 is open to all married or engaged couples, regardless of denomination or church affiliation.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:12

Our Mission

The Cord of 3 mission is to provide support for couples who have entered, or are about to enter, the covenant of marriage. It is designed to provide couples an opportunity to explore what the Bible says about the sacred relationship between husband and wife. Whether you are preparing to wed, have a strong marriage, or are needing encouragement during a difficult time, we invite you to come and discover what God will reveal to you through His Word.

Our Beliefs

Cord of 3 is organized around four key beliefs:

  • Marriage is a sacred covenant.
  • As in every area of life, marriage goes through different “seasons” – times of peace & times of struggle; times of joy & times of sorrow.
  • Couples who have a Christ-focused marriage experience greater peace and joy, and are better prepared to overcome adversity.
  • The study of God’s Word fully equips us for every situation – including marriage.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so the servant of God is fully equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Cord of 3 is open to couples in every “season” of marriage:
Preparing…     Celebrating…
Restoring…     Renewing…
Growing…       Nurturing…

What others are saying…

“I didn’t know what to expect coming to Cord of 3, but it was a great learning experience. I really feel like we got a big step closer to God and to my future wife. Thank you so much!”   – J.M. (fiance)

“It was an awesome group! We learned a lot of valuable information that we can use to strengthen our relationship.”   – J.C. (husband)

“I loved it. A great tool to use in any relationship. It was a fun learning environment.”   – L.C. (fiancee)

“I felt like it was a place to start for us. Give it a try. It’s local. It’s affordable.”   – J.B. (husband)

“Love it! Just what we needed! Awesome and it’s for all couples! – K.S. (wife)

“This program is a great way to learn the Biblical plan for marriages – much needed today!”   – A.C. (wife)

 Join us…

…for a day of fun, fellowship, and even a little romance as we delve into what it means to put Christ in the middle of our marriages!

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” – Joshua 24:15

Registration for future events will be posted here.

Watch this page for upcoming dates!

If you would like more information on Cord of 3, please fill out the form on the Contact page or email us at

Meet the Cord of 3 Leaders

Cord of 3 Facilitators

Cord of 3 is facilitated by the husband and wife team of Clayton and Kelley Clark. Clayton and Kelley were married in 2001, and have one son who was born in 2008. They have attended First Baptist Church of Cimarron for over 15 years. Like most couples, Clayton and Kelley have experienced many challenges during the course of their married life. After attending separate Men’s and Women’s Encounters, they returned with a renewed commitment to a Christ-centered marriage, and a passion for discipleship. Cord of 3 came about as the result of a year-long process of their seeking God’s Word as it related to their marriage. Their desire is to serve God by supporting other couples who seek the same Truth for their marriages. Clayton continues to return to Southwest Men’s Encounter as a server and speaker. Kelley also continues to serve and speak at Southwest Kansas Women’s Encounter.

Dustin & Stephanie Beery

Joining Clayton and Kelley as ministry partners are Dustin and Stephanie Beery. Dustin and Stephanie became part of the Cord of 3 team in 2016 after they attended a session and were inspired to better their marriage. Now they focus on putting the Lord in the center of their marriage and family. They have been married for ten years, and have two little girls. Dustin and Stephanie loved the people and atmosphere so much, they began attending First Baptist Church of Cimarron the day after they attended Cord of 3. Men’s and Women’s Encounters have been a huge part of their journey, not only to help their relationship, but also to help others. Their marriage has been through many life-changing events, and through all the hardships they have now found a relationship with Christ and apply that to their marriage every day.